5 House Cleaning Tips That Make Your Life Easier

5 House Cleaning Tips That Make Your Life Easier

Dec 05, 2022

Whether you clean your home on a regular basis or simply give it a quick tidy before guests arrive, learning a few handy cleaning techniques may make the job easier and more efficient.

Here are some best tips for cleaning your home. These tips will help save you time and money and make your chores easier.


1. Clean your glass and mirrors with vinegar and newspaper

Cleaning your windows and mirrors with towels can create streaks and smudges. Because newspaper is a dense material with soft fibers, it is ideal for cleaning glass. Vinegar is an excellent cleaning substitute to expensive window cleaners. 

  • Step 1: Take an empty spray bottle and fill it with 50% white vinegar and 50% water
  • Step 2: Shake well and spray on the mirror or glass
  • Step 3: Use your newspaper to wipe down the surface


2. Clean your couch with baking soda

This method can be used on any soft furnishings including, carpets, rugs, curtains, and even pet beds.

  • Step 1: Brush the couch to remove any dirt or debris.
  • Step 2: Sprinkle baking soda on the area you want to clean.
  • Step 3: Let it sit for around 20 minutes or so.
  • Step 4: Vacuum up the baking soda.


3. Use brown Coca-cola to remove tough stains

Cola contains phosphoric and carbonic acid, which makes it a highly effective cleaning solution.The most popular way to use cola as an effective cleaning tool is in the bathroom. To help get your toilet squeaky clean, all you need is a can of soda and a toilet brush.

  • Step 1: Pour the cola around the rim and let it flow down into the bowl.
  • Step 2: Let it sit for about an hour.
  • Step 3: Scrub off any stubborn stains using the toilet brush.
  • Step 4: Flush the toilet – and you’re done!


4. Remove bathtub and sink stains with grapefruit and salt

Stubborn bathtub rings and grime stains on your sink are unwelcome in any home, and they can be tough to clean. However, a simple scrub using grapefruit and salt can remove these tough stains and leave your bathroom or kitchen smelling delicious.

  • Step 1: Slice a grapefruit in half.
  • Step 2: Sprinkle salt onto a grapefruit half and also onto your bathtub, sink, or counter.
  • Step 3: Scrub the grapefruit around your sink or tub. Use the rind to scrub particularly stubborn areas.
  • Step 4: Rinse away the pulp and salt with water, and you’re good to go.


5. Remove faucet and steel stains using lemon and salt

  • Step 1: Slice the lemons in half.
  • Step 2: Sprinkle salt around the area you want to clean.
  • Step 3: Clean the faucet or steel using the lemon halves.
  • Step 4: Rinse with warm water for a shiny, streak-free finish.

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